Air Date : Fri, 05 Nov 2021
Episode Length : 01:23:07
Episode Description
Join Jon and Dave as they present the ultimate Logical Reasoning Knowledge Test: 20 questions covering the entirety of the LR section, each designed to measure your grasp on key concepts and fundamental principles. They begin with the 20-question quiz, then follow it up with detailed explanations of each item, explaining precisely how you should have answered and what any missteps tell you about your current LR skills. This is one of the most informative episodes they’ve ever recorded—don’t miss it!
Episode Timestamps
- 0:00 – Intro. Belated b-day wishes to Jon as the guys cheers their drinks of the week.
- 3:52 – This week in the LSAT world. A recap of the October LSAT score release, new law school applicant LSAT score data, reminders for the upcoming November test (additional listening for help picking your testing day/time), and more.
- 15:00 – Logical Reasoning Knowledge Tests. Dave and Jon give an overview of their goals for this episode, and how you can use the forthcoming self-checking questions to gauge your progress and set your goals.
- 21:00 – The questions/tests. Listing all 20 self-checking questions that we will then explore and give answers for later in the episode.
- 28:12 – What's the difference between a fact set and an argument?
- 29:49 – What's an assumption (in LSAT terms)? What's an explicit assumption?
- 31:25 – What does the correct answer in a Strengthen Except question do?
- 32:44 – Of the question families, which pairs are most similar, and why?
- 37:08 – Explain the difference between a Mistaken Negation and Mistaken Reversal
- 39:08 – What are the two techniques for diagramming "unless" (et al) statements?
- 41:30 – What does "when, but only when" do in conditional relationships?
- 43:10 – What's the difference between causality and conditionality?
- 45:38 – How do you weaken a causal argument? What about a conditional argument?
- 49:01 – Common assumption scenarios: What's the central assumption in causality? What's the central assumption in historical comparisons?
- 53:23 – What's the difference between Must Be True and Necessary Assumption?
- 57:17 – What's the difference between Justify (Sufficient Assumption) and Necessary Assumption?
- 1:00:35 – What kind of question type is this: "Which of the following, if assumed, does the most to justify the conclusion?"
- 1:01:56 – Formal Logic: Define “some” / Define “either/or”
- 1:04:07 – Flaws: What Flaw does "presupposes what it sets out to prove" represent? What Flaw does "presumes without justification that a circumstance sufficient to guarantee a particular outcome is in fact required for that outcome" represent?
- 1:06:10 – What's the meaning and difference between the common Flaw answers "Takes for granted" and "Overlooks the possibility"?
- 1:08:22 – What DOESN'T need to be matched/paralleled in Parallel Reasoning questions?
- 1:09:43 – What Family does Evaluate the Argument fit into?
- 1:12:39 – List the question types that have a definitive/concrete method to prove the correct answer: Both Assumptions, Evaluate, PI/PA, Must, Parallel
- 1:17:22 – Can you ever prove that a sufficient condition occurs as part of a conclusion?
- 1:20:25 – Outro.
Format: MP3
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